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Sunday 6 December 2015


Every great journey starts with a single step they say, But in a world where people are making millions of steps as I write this, is it really justified to make humble beginnings? Don't do things because they make life easier for you, Do them so they take your breath away, make you feel alive, yet again someone says, But in a world where a billion people are taking their breaths, is it really justified to simply exult yourself?

Many great men and women have walked this earth, and have quite rightly left behind impressions for us to mimic, challenges for us to overcome, shadows that inspire us to soar higher and a trail we can choose whether or not to follow. But with so much inspiration around us, such radiating personalities amongst us, why isn't everyone truly Inspired?  Why did only so few succeed from the hordes of so many? Is it inherent within us that we stay so inspired for only so long a time? If so, isn't the future of our generation bleak? If not, Where are the Heros of our generation?

Wherever the greats are hiding, there is something all of them will have in common. They'll all have wings. Well not literally, but they'll all possess the ability to soar high, not just in their respective fields, but to see the bigger picture from uptop. And why is this important? Simply because our world has grown so much in all directions, it's almost impossible to do anything without directly running into something else because of the complex maze we've all created for ourselves as a part of this process we all fondly have called, 'Evolution'.

Is our future bleak without these leaders? Sadly, Yes. Leaders aren't only those leading Businessmen, Politicians, Artists, and other sector 'Leaders' it also includes the Innovators and Pathbreakers and Stereotyping rebels. In a still lake, this different type of leaders are the ripples. The ripples that break, or rather, shatter the glass of ignorance, ill will, and tyranny. Odd one out isn't always that bad, Maybe.

When these leaders, heros, spread their wings and fly, it is upto us yet again. It will then be upon us to follow them, or down them. Either way, we'll all learn and inspire ourselves. Because the wings they spread, will protect us, shield us, and also blow us away with the gust they create as they flap them away. Time will pass and their footprints will last, their wings will perish, newer people will grow feathers, wings, and they'll soar again. It sends a chill down the spine sometimes, how we humans are so dependant. But then again, if we don't depend on each other and live in solidarity, and good faith, our pretty little bubble of Humanity and Brotherhood will burst open, and the wind that comes rushing in will tatter even our mightiest. The heroes with the wings won't be able to brave this wind and when they fall, will we be able to grow wings so soon to replace them?

We could give wings to our dreams, but will we able to make them fly?

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