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Monday 7 December 2015

Women! Listen Up! Men! Gear Up! World. Don't Fuck Up.

'Feminism', 'Feminazi', and so many variations of the same concept bring into the limelight, the age old battles of the sexes. While many create a furore over how, if feminism is all about equating women to the status of men, why specifically call in Feminism? But then women, Do you think they are right in saying so? Well, even if they are, I don't see why you should be worried. You're talking about the same men who say that Feminism should be called something more like Equalism, but go back to calling all of our history as Mankind. Hypocrite much?

In a world where women are subject to objectification, and men to unnecessary stereotyping, I believe the world is in a state of Hasty Generalisation. Where not just our genders, sexual orientations, but also our Religions, Faiths, and Wars are being generalised; We better gear up and set ourselves up to see the bigger picture. I don't know if the world is headed to an actual armageddon, but our mindsets are surely headed towards an apocalypse. When we can't see each other as equals and work towards the same, there is no point in trying to make ourselves look pious and generous. While many die of starvation in some parts of the world, many struggle from obesity induced by over eating. While many stretch the limits of religion as a fundamental foundation and search for tools to serve the world, many narrow the words of religious texts and use filthy tools to reduce the life on earth. While we open our arms out and accept stray dogs and puppies for looking cute, being adorable, nations around the world sometimes falter in even accepting some in need of a new home. While a strike of terror makes everyone shiver to the bones and gets the world's sympathies and support, a strike of disaster goes unseen in their own nation! The cases of a paradox are many. While many like me try to sit and juxtapose the two sides, or rather, the two extremes of these problems, there are some who are actually doing something to solve the same, and even many more who are creating even more problems for the world at large.

While many videos get innumerable amounts of views and upvotes where one soldier returns home to see his child, no one ever made a video of the same soldier depriving some other child of his/her father. Every action might not have an equal and opposite reaction, but it will definitely have an impact. Even the smallest of changes we make today will go miles ahead as time passes by. Planting that one tree in your backyard might make all the difference in the world one day. What we need to do now, is to sit back and think. The world is plagued by problems, Yes. No one is going to deny that. However, something no one will tell you is how the solutions to these problems too, are equally heart wrenching.

Agreed indeed that problems are necessary for the world to go on, they are the natural consequences that add the necessary friction for the society's evolution, But how much is too much? Starting a change today, and caring for it forever after is the only way we can reduce this friction to the bare minimum. We are so proud of ourselves when we think of how the internet has reduced the distance between two people, and we are equally aggravated when the same internet is used as a tool to propagate hate and lure innocent people into traps like terrorism, BUT, yet again, what have we done? Many polls, surveys, researches, show that food wastage is a major problem in many developing and developed countries around the world. Do you think it is justice that food goes waste in a place where it wasn't even required? All in the same time while people affected by droughts, poverty, floods, are dying to have some.

While I am proud of my existence as a human being, I am not quite so proud of my being a part of Humanity. At this point of time in human history, I believe its time. Its time that we all ditch our cloaks of ignorance, intolerance, and greed. No one human life is less valuable than the other. Violence begets violence. Problems at times require harsh reactions, but don't make it so harsh that generations on, innocent victims are still paying the price. Men and Women are all but the same. If you ask me, the importance of being a male or a female should end at what kind of underwear you'd like to wear. Like it or not, we're all stuck in the same cage called Earth, and no matter what, voices like mine will always rise against those plaster saints who believe the world is perfect, because they are the only ones in control of it.

We're all separated by the food we eat, the god we pray to, the land we live, the clothes we wear, the bodies we're born into, and the languages we speak. Let's not separate each other so much, that one day we forget the reason that we're all in this cage together.


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